EGR Delete


The EGR delete works in two possible ways;

Reprogramming the ECU with code, to keep EGR closed which prevents burned gases from recirculating. If EGR is faulty this tuning might not work.


Unplugging the EGR. In some cars is necessary to disconnect the EGR valve and take a short test drive to record down the reported fault codes.Only after we can remap.

Do I need to blank the EGR?

The short answer is no. In most cases the EGR doesn't need to have a blanking plate fitted. Only if the EGR is stuck open, a blanking plate would be required.
But in most cases a blanking plate isn't necessary.

 *⚠️⚠️⚠️ WARNING ⚠️⚠️⚠️ - There is always a chance by deleting any emissions control systems you are breaching the terms of legal  use  of the bike/car/van/truck on a public road in your country or state. The Baboons Remaps will take no responsibility for any fines or costs incurred as this service should only be used for testing or offroad Motorsport use. There is a chance the car may fail it's MOT, be subject to fines from the government or cause issues with other emissions related systems such as but not limited to the ADBLUE system, DPF system or GPF system. All deletes / deactivations are done at  your own risk as a customer and a full agreement to a disclaimer will be required to be signed from a customer.